Whisper Mountain

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Whisper Mountain


This item "Whisper Mountain", is a painting on paper.

Subject Matter:
At the center of the piece, we find a pyramidal shape, a mountain perhaps, with a single cryptic eye staring back at us. Below it is a free-floating, angular mouth. Does this mouth speak for the mountain, or does it just happen to be passing by? To the left float double-pyramid diamond shapes. To the right we find an interesting configuration of three parallelograms, perhaps some sort of sophisticated lens built by an unknown civilization...

This item is a work on high-quality Canson Mi Teintes cream-colored paper made with acrylic paint, charcoal, marker, and colored pencil. The image dimensions are 16x16 inches. The paper size is 18x18 inches. There is a border drawn in pencil to mark the image area for matting. The back of the work is signed, dated, and titled.

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